So not too much has happened since the 19th. Last Tuesday (April 28th) was my very last day of placement! I was very excited. It is just hard to believe that after 5 years of university I am done school forever, and am officially a teacher! The Tuesday was also my 3 month mark until Disney!! So I now have less than 3 months to wait. It is getting so close.
About a week ago Kristen (from Yummy Jobs, the people who hired me) and I were e-mailing back and forth and playing phone tag. She had asked if I have an American Passport since Disney had started my Visa and were wondering. For people who don't know, I was born in the states and lived there til I was 12 so I have dual citizenship with Canada. Kristen finally got through to me on my cell one day and she said that because of my citizenship I do not need a Visa to work in the states. BUT in order to enter the country for a year I need to use an american passport. I'm not sure why and it is a bit of a pain, but completly worth it. So I will have to make a trip to the American Embassy, and pay lots of money to get this passport. It is kind of annoying because the visa is just sent to Canadians about a month before they leave for the states and they just get it stamped at customs. But it is all worth it to work at Disney World!
In more recent news, I leave Thunder Bay bright and early tomorrow morning! I am very excited to be leaving and going home (though I will be back in less than a month for grad and a wedding). It is just a huge pain to pack up 5 years worth of junk to take home. Then once I'm home I'm going to have to gutt my room there. It is going to be a busy three months, I hope they go by quickly!